In a surprise move, the team of Superstar Rajinikanth’s next with Lokesh Kanagaraj have come out saying that the film’s title will be revealed through a teaser on the 22nd of April. The team has made the announcement well in advance with a poster that sees Superstar Rajinikanth’s look where he has a handcuff made out of watches, and other interesting elements that have picked up the excitement for the film.
Lokesh is currently working on the pre-production of the film, and has said in recent interactions that the shoot for the film will start off in June 2024. Rajinikanth is currently on the verge of wrapping up the shoot for his Vettaiyan, and will start working on this film soon.
The much awaited #Thalaivar171 update is here!
Title revealing teaser from April 22nd @rajinikanth @Dir_Lokesh @anirudhofficial @anbariv— Sun Pictures (@sunpictures) March 28, 2024