In an unexpected turn, it has now been revealed officially that Suriya will be teaming up with Karthik Subbaraj for his next, and the film will be known as Suriya44 for the time being. The project’s official announcement came yesterday, with the team naming it #LoveLaughterWar, a hashtag that gives us a lot of excitement on the project.
Suriya is expected to start off shooting for this project next, as his Suriya43 and Vaadi Vaasal are on hold for a variety of reasons. The film will be jointly produced by both 2D Entertainment and Stone Bench.
My Next Film is with the Ever-Awesome
@Suriya_offl sirSo Pumped up for this #Suriya44 #LoveLaughterWar#AKarthikSubbarajPadam@2D_ENTPVTLTD @stonebenchers @rajsekarpandian @kaarthekeyens
— karthik subbaraj (@karthiksubbaraj) March 28, 2024