Taking a break from his usual comedy outings, actor Sathish has diverted paths to try out a thriller with comic elements in his latest outing Vithaikkaran, where he plays the role of a magician.
The film focuses on the story of a magician who is wrongly accused of stealing a diamond, and how he overcomes his challenges to get to the greener side. The best part of Vithaikkaran is in how the film manages to put together comedy and the serious portions, but it is a film where the consistency in the narration is not at its best. The comic elements in the film really manage to work out and bring out the laughter, but where it bobs down is in the serious portions – especially the heist and the emotional parts where both the actors and the writing let it down a bit. However, the climax portion at the airport is a good one, and makes us believe the fact that few other such sequences would have made this film a really good one.
Sathish has done well in his new suit, and this is a film where he has a lot more to do than just joking around. It is a nice thing to see the actor work on his genres and explore more, and that has happened through Venki’s script. The film has Anand Raj contributing well too, but the rest of the cast dont come to the party.
Vithaikaran would have been even better if the makers had focussed on the writing a bit more, and tried to include some cooler sequences in the film as it already has some. Right now, it turns into a decent entertainer.
Verdict: Sathish is efficient in this mildly engaging heist entertainer!