After a long wait, Dhanush has announced the title of his second directorial film as Raayan. The film is Dhanush’s next as a director after Pa. Paandi and is said to be a raw and rustic action drama. Alongside Dhanush, Kaalidas Jayaram and Sundeep Kishen feature in the film, which also has SJ Suryah in the cast.
Raayan is getting done with its post production, and the makers are looking to announce the release date in a month’s time. Dhanush is now shooting for his other films while also overseeing the process for the film.
#D50 is #Raayan
Written & Directed by @dhanushkraja
Music by @arrahmanReleasing in Tamil | Telugu | Hindi@omdop @editor_prasanna @kalidas700 @sundeepkishan @PeterHeinOffl @jacki_art @kavya_sriram @kabilanchelliah @theSreyas @RIAZtheboss #D50FirstLook
— Sun Pictures (@sunpictures) February 19, 2024