Actor Prithviraj who plays the second most important role in Prabhas’ upcoming action drama Salaar, has now got done for the dubbing of his character in all the five Indian languages. Putting out two pictures, he said “Final dubbing corrections done. I have had the privilege of lending my own voice for all my characters across various languages I’ve worked in over the years. I have even dubbed for some of my characters in multiple languages. But to be dubbing for the same character, in the same film in 5 different languages is a first for me. Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Hindi and of course Malayalam. And what a film to do it for! Deva and Varadha will meet you in theatres across the world on the 22nd of December 2023!”

Salaar is all set to hit the screens in 10 days time, and things are set as the trailer has created a very good buzz for the film. It makes the return of director Prashant Neel after the KGF wonders, and that raises the expectations for the film.