Lady Superstar Nayanthara is back and bouncing with her next film titled Annapoorani, the goddess of food. The film directed by Shankar’s assistant Nilesh Krishnaa had its title announcement done yesterday with a cute teaser. The teaser showcased Nayanthara studying from a guide in an orthodox Brahmin household, but later on, it is revealed that she is actually reading a recipe for a chicken-based dish inside.
Though this teaser has slightly irritated a section of the people, we have to wait for the movie to arrive, in order to take a clean call on the film. The highlights of the film will be the cinematography by Sathyan Sooryan, and the music by Thaman.
Presenting Lady Superstar in and as #Annapoorani – The Goddess of Food is on her way to tickle your taste buds!#Nayanthara #N75 @Actor_Jai @Nilesh_Krishnaa @zeestudiossouth @tridentartsoffl @NaadSstudios #Ravindran @Naadsstudios @SETHIJATIN @kejriwalakshay @sanjayragh…
— Zee Studios South (@zeestudiossouth) October 24, 2023