Even before the release of Leo, Thalapathy Vijay has started off with the shoot for his next biggie Thalapathy68, to be directed by Venkat Prabhu. The film started off with an auspicious pooja yesterday, but the updates, photos and videos from there would only be out once Leo hits the screens.

On her Instagram story, producer Archana Kalpathi has revealed that the film would be a ‘high octane action thriller’. The film is already said to have a huge star-cast consisting of actors such as Prabhu Deva, Priyanka Mohan, Meenakshi Chaudhry, Mic Mohan, Prashanth, Sneha, Jayaram and others.

Sources say, the shoot of the film has commenced today (Oct 3rd) with a song, which has the music by Yuvan Shankar Raja.