The trailer of director Yuvaraj Dhayalan’s next film Irugapatru was launched yesterday, and the team has hit it out of the park with a very impressive cut that has peaked the expectations for the film. The trailer showcases the problems that arise in 3 relationships – between Sri and Saniya Iyappan, Vidhaarth and Abarnathi, and Vikram Prabhu and Shraddha Shrinath.

The trailer is interestingly cut showing all the three paths of the film in equal weightage, and it has some very nice episodes in it carrying forward all the elements of the romantic angles. The trailer also ends on a funny note, a joke between Vikram Prabhu and Shraddha that brings out laughter. Irugapatru is all set to hit the screens on the 6th of October, and could be another winner for Potential Studios.