The makers of Jigarthanda Double X have unveiled the teaser of the film, which has showcased the grand world and the characters in full flow. The teaser which was released at 12.12PM today, makes it look like Karthik Subbaraj’s most grand and extensive film yet, as it has been shot across many different locations with a strong cast featuring SJ Suryah, Ragava Lawrence, Nimisha Sajayan, Shine Tom Chacko and others.

The film’s plot seems to revolve around a gangster and a filmmaker, just like the first part, but it looks like there will be an entirely new set of politics and topics discussed here, along with the humour which was a highlight in part 1. Jigarthanda Double X is said to be a prequel to Jigarthanda, and the film is arriving to theatres for Diwali 2023.