Shah Rukh Khan’s biggie Jawan is all set to hit the screens on the 7th of September, and the team is now kick-starting the final promotional run of the film which will have a packed four day plan as of now. Starting with the remix of the hit yesteryear track Ramaiya Vastavaya which will be out today, the team will move to Chennai for the grand audio launch of the film on the 30th of this month at the Sairam College in Chennai. After that, the team will move directly to Dubai where they will launch the new trailer of the film on the massive Burj Khalifa building on the 31st.

After that, there is a promotional event where SRK will be interacting with the fans on the 1st of September. The event is said to happen at the Al Habtoor City in Dubai, and tickets for the same are already on sale. Busy days ahead for the team.