Thalapathy Vijay is one actor who only starts working on his next film after the release of the current one. But interestingly, the actor has taken an extra step forward for his next biggie Thalapathy68 – which is directed by Venkat Prabhu. Vijay, Venkat Prabhu, producer Archana Kalpathi and the team have now flown to Los Angeles in California for the 3D VFX scan of Vijay’s face, which will be used extensively in the film.

It looks like Venkat Prabhu is not just going the usual route for this film, and is trying out something different. This kind of technology which was earlier used for films such as Indian 2 and Jawan is coming down south again, and will be put to use in the biggie. The shoot for the film is expected to take off by November this year and Thalapathy Vijay is said to be seen in a complete different makeover for one of his role in this flick.