Superstar Rajinikanth’s biggie Jailer has taken a blockbuster first week at the box office, with over 400 crores to its name worldwide. The film has grossed close to 112 crores in TN until Tuesday (Aug 15th), which is terrific for the industry on the whole. Jailer’s day six and four was bigger and better than its first day, which has turned out to be a huge plus.

In Kerala, the film has smashed up close to 33 crores until now, with a staggering 7 crore done on Sunday. The inclusion of Mohanlal has turned out to be a big break for the film, and it absolutely rocking the box office in the state.

In Karnataka – Jailer has done in excess of 40 crores so far, and the film already entered the profit zone. It is indeed a hugely profitable film for the distributors, who are laughing their way to the bank.

The Telugu states have warmed up superbly to the film, and it has grossed more than 42 crores.. With Bholaa Shankar turning out to be a disaster, the screens for Jailer have been increased big time from here.

In the USA, the film has done more than 4.4 million dollars, while it has done another four million from the gulf. In Australia, the film has done in excess of 1 million Australian dollars, while it has done more than 700K euros in the UK and Ireland.

Singapore has turned out to be a big contributor for the film, with more than 1.4 million Singaporean dollars, along with 13 million Malaysian ringets which is another huge market explored wisely for the film.

In totality, the film has done about 28 crores from the rest of the foreign countries.

Jailer has really exceeded the expectations all round for itself, and has turned out to become a mega blockbuster. It has broken all the Thalapathy Vijay film records, and is all set to beat PS1 and Vikram over the coming days. Trade pundits say that Jailer will close at more than 570 crores at the worldwide box office, which is a stunning number!