After completing the current schedule of Kanguva in Chennai, Suriya has met a lot of his fans at a fans meet event. The actor gave out an update about all his films, saying “Kanguva has turned out to be 100 times better than expected. The film is progressing very well. After this, I will be starting the shoot for the Sudha Kongara film, by October. And Vaadi Vaasal will only begin after the completion of Viduthalai part 2.”

Suriya also spoke about his Rolex film with Lokesh, saying “Lokesh Kanagaraj recently narrated a story about the Rolex character, which will be a standalone film. We will start it soon. Also, I have spoken to him about Irumbu Kai Maayavi, but it will only work out after the Rolex film.”

Suriya is in one of the best phases of his career, with exciting projects coming one after the other.