Superstar Rajinikanth’s biggie Jailer has taken a mega opening at the box office, with over 91 crores earned on its first day worldwide. The film started off on a high note with 25 crores in TN, which is the highest day one opening number for any Tamil film this year, beating Thunivu, Varisu and PS2 respectively.
In Kerala, the film has opened as the highest ever for any Tamil film on day one, with 5.85 crores. This number has come from a mammoth show count of 1775 shows, and is now the number one opening for Superstar Rajinikanth. Close to 40% of the recovery for the film has already been done its first day, and it is smooth sailing from here.
Karnataka is one of the biggest stands for Jailer, as the film has opened to a big number of 11.85 crores in the state. With over 1000 shows on day one, it has grossed a big number with close to half the recovery of the investment already done. With no big film until 25th for the industry there, it is sure to turn out to be a hugely profitable venture for the distributors AV Media.
The Telugu states have also contributed a big number of 12 crores for the film. Distributor Dil Raju is elated with the collections, and will be increasing screens for the film from Monday, as there are agreements made for Bholaa Shankar until then.
Jailer has gotten good reviews from the rest of India, but since the screen count is low, the film has done 3 crores from its Hindi versions and other shows.
Despite having show cancellation issues and censor problems in the UK, Jailer has done 222,777 euros and is one of the best performers on day one in the country. On the other hand, Jailer missed the 1 million mark for the premieres by a whisker in the USA, but is sure to fly higher and do a fantastic job over the coming days. In the New Zealand premieres, Jailer has done reasonably well with 36,000 dollars but it has not overtaken other films such as Master, PS1, PS2 and Beast which did better. In Australia, Jailer has turned out in the fifth spot of all time, with 263,000 dollars. The overseas collections of the film account to about 40 crores.
With today’s collection, Jailer has crossed the 100 crore mark and is sure to become a big blockbuster in just another week’s time!