In an unlikely incident yesterday, the full plot line of Superstar Rajinikanth’s upcoming film Jailer has been revealed, along with the CFBC certification for the film. The film’s storyline is reportedly about Rajinikanth’s character who plays a retired man, spending time with his grandson, who later goes out to bring back his old friends together in order to retrieve his captive son from the baddies.
Netizens have now started talking about the similarity in the plot to Kamal Haasan’s Vikram, while others have been saying that it wrong from the team to have let go of the plot so early before the release. However, Jailer’s audio launch is all set to take place in a grand way this evening (July 28th) at Nehru Stadium, and that should wipe off all the negative buzz surrounding the film.
Jailer clears censor with UA certificate and is all set for its grand release worldwide from August 10th.
Countdown begins for the #JailerAudioLaunch Brace yourself for the star studded event
Follow Sun Pictures Twitter & Instagram handles for live updates!@rajinikanth @Nelsondilpkumar @anirudhofficial @Mohanlal @NimmaShivanna @bindasbhidu @tamannaahspeaks @meramyakrishnan…
— Sun Pictures (@sunpictures) July 28, 2023
#Jailer certified U/A. Get ready to witness the rage of Muthuvel Pandian from Aug 10th! @rajinikanth @Nelsondilpkumar @anirudhofficial @Mohanlal @NimmaShivanna @bindasbhidu @tamannaahspeaks @meramyakrishnan @suneeltollywood @iYogiBabu @iamvasanthravi #Jailer
— Sun Pictures (@sunpictures) July 27, 2023