In an exclusive chat with Only Kollywood, actor Udhaynidhi Stalin opened up about the experience of working in Maamannan, and sharing the screen space with a legend like Vadivelu. 

“It was not easy to work for a serious role with a man who has entertained us big time over generations. Throughout the shoot, I was quite baffled about the fact that Vadivelu sir is playing such a role, and sometimes, I could not contain the funny side of things on the sets. There is a particular scene in the film where people will be banging the door outside, and myself and Vadivelu sir will be waiting for it to break open. While shooting the scene, I couldn’t help but contain myself from breaking the joke about the epic comedy scene in Marudhamalai, where is nothing where the door is open. I laughed out loud on set after the shot, and the entire set went in splits too. However, we moved out of the funny feeling and completed the sequence,” said the actor.

Udhaynidhi is extremely confident about the final result of the product, which has been appreciated by legend Kamal Haasan. The actor said that though it is a political film, it only highlights the fact based on a real life incident and speaks the pains of a section of the people, and does not target a specific community. “We have to wait and see how people understand and intercept the film, I hope no one will be offended,” he said.

Maamannan gears for release this Thursday, June 29th worldwide.