Thalapathy Vijay’s Leo has entered the 600 crore club worldwide (first ever Vijay film to achieve this feat), as it gross over the third weekend both at home and overseas has turned up good numbers and stabilized the run of the film. The film’s TN gross has now overtaken Jailer and has hit the 215 crore mark, and Phars Films have officially mentioned that the film has crossed 200 crores at the box office overseas alone.

Vijay’s Leo is all set to overtake the worldwide collections of Jailer after the Diwali season, as it is still planned to hold onto a good number of screens this weekend as well, despite the entrance of many new releases.

With these numbers, Thalapathy Vijay becomes the ONLY HERO in Kollywood to enter in the ELITE 200 CRORE club of both in home and overseas territory! Also LEO is now the highest grosser and share (100Cr+) done film in TN Box Office.