Thalapathy Vijay’s Leo has turned out to be a profitable venture for all the distributors and exhibitors across the globe, as the film has crossed the 500 crore club worldwide in a span of just ten days. The film has broken even in Tamil Nadu, with its share value touching close to 90 crores already. Leo has overtaken Kamal Haasan’s Vikram and is on its way to beat Superstar Rajinikanth’s Jailer and Ponniyin Selvan:1, which are the two highest grossers in the state as of now. The film had a superb Saturday and Sunday in TN, grossing more than 20 crores in these two days put together.

Leo has also turned out to be a profitable venture in North America, as it has turned out to be the number one grosser of all-time in Canada. Except for some countries such as USA, Australia and Malaysia, Leo has already overtaken the collections of Jailer in overseas territories making it a superb outing for Phars Films. The success meet of the film is all set to take place on the 1st of November at the Nehru Indoor Stadium in Chennai.