Thalapathy Vijay’s LEO has entered the 500 crore club worldwide, making it the first time for the actor to break into that space. After Superstar Rajinikanth’s 2.0 and Jailer, Leo is the only film from Tamil cinema to enter the 500 crore club, making it clear that Rajinikanth and Vijay are the only two actors in the club.

LEO has also held on very well in Tamil Nadu, with the film breaking past superb numbers in the second weekend as well. The film’s official numbers will be revealed very shortly, and the team has already made it clear that it has grossed 461 crores and more worldwide through an official statement couple of days back.

In TN, LEO is said to join the PREMIUM 200CR club as there are no notable releases until Diwali and the weekend numbers are too good even in its 2nd week of run.