During the late hours of Monday, a big update loaded from the team of Shankar’s next film Game Changer, as the first single from the film is slotted to release for Diwali 2023. The song composed by Thaman has been titled Jarugandi, and will be releasing in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi.
The song has been shot on a big budget of 16 crores according to reports, and is said to be the big promotional beat of the film. Though there is still no clarity as to when the film will be released in theatres, the song is being released as a result of a leak that came out few days ago.
#Jaragandi FROM #DIWALI LETS HAVE A TRUE BLAST #GameChangerFirstSingle #GameChanger pic.twitter.com/PCDuHOT6kw
— thaman S (@MusicThaman) October 23, 2023