Vijay Sethupathi was the special guest at the pre-release event of Jayam Ravi starrer Iraivan, which is hitting the screens on the 28th of this month. At the event, Vijay Sethupathi said that the trailer of the film has excited him for the movie, and that he loved Yuvan Shankar Raja’s score in the trailer.

Responding to him on stage, Jayam Ravi said that Vijay Sethupathi is an actor he holds immense respect for. “Whenever I think of directing a film, Vijay Sethupathi is the one who comes to mind first. Also, I want to act with Vijay Sethupathi and I hope it will happen soon,” said the actor.

Meanwhile, the Telugu version of Iraivan is titled God and the trailer of it will be out today at 5:05PM.