Over the past 24 hours, there were a lot of rumours over Thalaivar171 – the next film of Superstar Rajinikanth being dropped, due to a variety of reasons. However, the production house Sun Pictures dropped a silent bomb this morning as they shut off rumours and said that the project is officially on. This mega biggie will have music by Anirudh and stunts by Anbariv.

Rajinikanth, who is getting done with the dubbing works for Lal Salaam, will be starting off his next with TJ Gnanavel very soon, and will move onto the Lokesh film early next year. It is packed slate for the superstar who has just enjoyed the success of Jailer big time.

Thalaivar 171 is likely to be a standalone Rajinikanth film that is not going to be a part of LCU.