Udhaynidhi Stalin’s Maamannan has turned out to be a big blockbuster at the box office, raking in close to 40 crores at the Indian box office till date. The film started off with a handsome weekend collection of about 28 crores, and moved onto the weekdays in style.

Maamannan’s satellite and OTT rights have already been sold for a solid price, and following that, the big theatrical run of the film has also been celebrated well. Being Udhaynidhi’s final film, this is a fitting finale to the actor.

Maamannan in Telugu is titled as Nayakudu, and set to hit screens from July 14th onwards.

On the other hand, Mari Selvaraj will be moving onto the pending shoot for his film Yaazhai, and will then work on his film with Dhruv Vikram.