The wait for the trailer of Chiyaan Vikram’s Cobra will be put to an end on 25th August. The expectations remain high among the mob due to its grand promotions and tremendous audio launch. The team’s recent interviews and the Twitter Spaces Session has also added more weightage to the movie’s release. Cobra is all set to hit the screens on 31st of August and tunes in as Vinayagar Chathurti’s special release.
The film marks Vikram’s return to theatrical releases Mahaan on Amazon Prime. The trailer release is going to be the last big boost to the promotions of Cobra, and is expected to spike up the bookings of the film which will kick off in TN and other regions over the next few days.
The film has been censored recently and is said to be certified with UA.
We are ready with the HUGELY -AWAITED #CobraTrailer
Out for the world to see on AUGUST 25 #CobraTrailerFromAugust25 @chiyaan's #Cobra
An @AjayGnanamuthu Film
An @arrahman Musical@RedGiantMovies_ @Udhaystalin @IrfanPathan @SrinidhiShetty7 @SonyMusicSouth— Seven Screen Studio (@7screenstudio) August 21, 2022